Panadol Pain Phone
Telemedicine Kiosk
- Human Factors, Usability and Inclusivity
- Industrial Design
- Mechanical Engineering
- Prototyping
- Research and Strategy
- Systems Engineering
- Visual Brand Language
- Red Dot Design Award
- iF Design Award

In rural Indonesia, people face a difficult choice - endure the physical and emotional burden of pain or make a long journey to access medical care that can be hours away. Over 42 million* people in rural Indonesia delay treatment because medical care is too far away.
Panadol set out to bridge the distance between these rural Indonesian communities in pain and the experts who could help. Panadol partnered with DCA to build a first-of-its-kind remote healthcare unit, the Panadol Pain Phone.
Over 42 million* people in rural Indonesia delay treatment

The Panadol Pain Phone contains a bespoke collection of devices that provide the patient with the tools for a remote consultation.
It has a video screen for face-to-face interactions and can collect information such as heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, oxygen levels it also contains a digital stethoscope that can stream audio directly to the healthcare professional.
Tools for a remote consultation.

Panadol asked us to have the Pain Phone ready for a wider healthcare activation in Indonesia. DCA designed, engineered and fabricated a working prototype from the ground-up in just 2 months.
From the ground-up in just 2 months

As part of this broader activation, Panadol connected over 7000 people with experts to diagnose their pain, including those suffering from headaches, joint and muscle pains, as well as life threatening conditions such as hypertension, anorexia, asthma, and many others.
The program aims to expand to make healthcare accessible to more parts of Indonesia, building upon its success in providing attention and relief to those in need.

“… we believe that digitalization is one of the keys to making healthcare more inclusive. The Panadol Klinik Cekatan and Pain Phone program is a real example of how we can participate in accelerating health access throughout the country and making healthcare and health education accessible to more people.” Setiaji Setiaji, Chief of the Digital Transformation Office, Ministry of Health
*1/3 of Indonesians: 2018 GLOBAL PAIN INDEX STUDY
a real example of how we can participate in accelerating health access
Setiaji Setiaji, Chief of the Digital Transformation Office, Ministry of Health
Video Credit: Haleon, Saatchi & Saatchi