Empathy with Multiple Stakeholders
Commercial and industrial products exist against a backdrop of multiple stakeholders. The separation of purchaser, owner and user makes for complex, and often contradictory, requirements and often results in harsh treatment of these products.
Added to this there are usually demanding legislative requirements to adhere to.
Our Design Research team can help us to identify, understand and accommodate these complicated multiple stakeholder relationships throughout the new product development process. Such intelligent use of research finding presents a unique opportunity to tackle this complexity and develop new product solutions and experiences that will excite all your stakeholder groups and drive business growth.
Using research to identify, understand and address complex stakeholder scenarios
Meeting user needs
Users of commercial and industrial products provided by their employers are increasingly benchmarking them against their own consumer products, many of which they will be using side-by-side in their work environment. This provides a prime opportunity for companies to reassess whether their current product portfolio complements the evolving expectations of their customers and whether they need to strengthen their brand profile.
By working closely with our Design Research team to analyse user opinions and observed behaviours, we can identify the underpinning requirements that drive product specification and selection. Our multidisciplinary team then translates these insights into new product propositions that can inspire new business thinking and drive business growth.

Delivering your brand
We believe that projecting your brand values in a clear, distinctive and consistent manner is key to delivering compelling product and service propositions to your users and other stakeholders.
One crucial element of this is developing and implementing a targeted Visual Brand Language. This approach identifies signature visual characteristics that will communicate your core brand values. The resulting branding guidelines allow you to deliver entire product ranges visually aligned with a series of consistent brand messages.
Beyond the visual, Sensory Brand Language defines a product’s haptic and acoustic behaviour, whether through digital interfaces or physical touch points. Combined with visual brand cues, this adds yet more cohesion to the product experience.
Controlling the visual and sensory characteristics of your products in this way will create a more powerful and deeply ingrained brand experience.

Cost of ownership
Purchase decisions for business to business products are often driven by total lifecycle cost more than initial purchase price, so it is essential that new product designs build upon architectures that lower the full life cost of ownership.
This highlights the importance of cost-effective design for all consumable elements, whether this is in the design of replaceable consumables, or the development of a suitable product maintenance and servicing strategy. While such consumable items are integral to your customer’s cost of ownership, they also represent a long-term revenue stream for your business.

World class expertise founded on 60+ years of experience