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New Design asks Nick Mival about trends

New Design asks Nick Mival about trends for the last decade and the twenty-tens.

As we leave the 2000’s behind and enter the 2010’s, what will the next decade have in store for the product design industry? Tanya Weaver of New Design poses a number of questions to leading industrial designers to gauge their opinions. For example, what has been the biggest trend/s in the last decade?

Nick Mival explains ‘Trends themselves have been a big trend of the last ten years! There seems to be a name for every new micro trend from ‘masstige’ to ‘lease living’, seriously though we continuously track a number of cultural, economic and technology megatrends, never considering one to be the biggest or most dominant. We are more interested in where and how they fuse and create smaller trends that influence the way a particular group of people think and behave. If I were asked to pick a candidate for one of the biggest in the last decade it would be the ongoing ‘Digital Revolution’. It continues to change everything. It has shifted so much power to the individual, changed how we relate to each other and created endless new social and commercial opportunities.’