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Mylo is born, an intelligent transport system for Mamas and Papas

DCA director, Nick Mival explains ‘A pushchair is inherently a series of compromises, contradictions and trade-offs. There are few products I can think of that are required to do so much. Controversially I don’t think there is a perfect pushchair. Every pushchair has to decide what its agenda is and deliver on that, otherwise it won’t deliver on anything’.

‘So many pushchairs prioritise convenience for the parent and start by designing a frame. We started by shifting the balance from ‘parent first’ to ‘parent and baby equal’. This led to moving the baby more centre stage and designing from the seat and cot out rather than the frame in, equalling the comfort of the baby with convenience for the parent. The Mylo is a 3 in 1 travel system which now offers best-in-class baby comfort in each format’.

Mamas and Papas said ‘DCA demonstrated an enormous technical ability to be able to deliver a project like this. Their multidiscipline team and intelligent approach complimented our in-house skill base and we were able to share the breadth and depth of knowledge within that circle easily. DCA has been strengthening its design strategy and research teams integrating them with their industrial design and engineering core. This has helped us develop a new visual brand language for Mylo to complement its innovative engineering. This continued investment is important to us as we look to have a long relationship with DCA bringing more ideas to market.’

DCA demonstrated an enormous technical ability to be able to deliver a project like this

Mamas and Papas