Foyle Metro zero-emission livery and re-branding
On Thursday, 25th of May 2023, Translink presented the first production buses from their new all-electric Foyle Metro Fleet outside the Guildhall in Derry~Londonderry. DCA attended the launch, marking the end of a project to support Translink with the development of the updated Foyle Metro livery and zero-emission re-branding.
Following the introduction of these first examples, the entire Foyle Metro Fleet in Derry~Londonderry will also become emissions-free with the introduction of 38 battery electric buses, making the city among the first in Europe to have a fully zero-emission urban bus fleet. To support this investment, Translink worked with DCA to refresh the existing livery, with the key requirements that the livery could evolve into the future, is in harmony with its environment, forms a logical step-on from the existing livery and can be easily maintained to a high standard.
Throughout this process, we worked with key stakeholders from Translink and representatives from the local community to find the right balance of needs. We presented and worked on ideas from subtle updates to the existing Foyle Metro red to full-vinyl wraps, to engage discussion and debate. Through careful collaboration, a final design was selected and implemented on the entire zero-emission fleet.