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DCA promotion of design and engineering in local schools

As part of our ongoing programme to promote careers in design and engineering amongst the younger generations, DCA had a busy week presenting to students at King’s High School for Girls and Myton School in Warwick on 20th April and Stratford Upon Avon Girls’ Grammar School the following day.

Our aim was to outline the further education choices and potential career paths for those considering these options. In line with the IMechE’s recently published ‘Big Ideas: the future of engineering in schools’ (PDF) report we also showed how exciting and rewarding an engineering or design career in product development can be to those who hadn’t considered this an option.

The feedback from all three schools has been very encouraging and further visits to more schools in the area are being planned.

Julie Coplestone-Crow from King’s High said:“The students were highly appreciative of the information and also of the chance to see for themselves the examples of the impressive products that teams at DCA have designed. The presentation was a great overview, impeccably delivered and certainly inspiring”.

Mrs Sarah Gerrard, Careers Advisor at Myton School, confirmed that the feedback from their students showed that they had “got a lot from it and have come away with some new ideas about their future paths”.

Andrew Palmer of Stratford Upon Avon Girls’ Grammar added that “it was a great presentation and I think that having the opportunity to chat with a group of Year 9’s was even better”.