DCA lectures at the Royal College of Art on the future of public transportation
The postgraduate ‘Intelligent Mobility’ programme at the world-renowned Royal College of Art (RCA) has traditionally focused on producing outstanding automotive designers. In recent years they have widened their scope and are now looking at all forms of transportation design.
RP Kruizinga, a Transport Sector Manager at DCA, was invited to share his thoughts with course students in a lecture on the future of public transportation.
The students will have to pick their final thesis project in September and RP encouraged them to choose a public transportation theme for this.
RP Kruizinga: “These are exciting times to be a transportation designer. There is no doubt that the way we travel will profoundly change in the next decades. Increasing urbanisation, connectivity, electrification and automation are just a few of the factors driving this change.
Public transportation will have to provide answers to new passenger expectations and integrate seamlessly with people’s ever-changing transportation needs. At the same time, automotive companies are transitioning from being traditional manufacturers of artefacts to service providers blurring the lines between public and private transportation”.
DCA has a long history in both automotive and public transportation design. Currently, we are working on projects that will help define how we will travel in the future and RP was therefore able to share some unique insights with the students.
RP Kruizinga: “I hope I was able to convey a little of the excitement and passion we have here at DCA for solving some of the big questions on personal mobility and shaping the future of public transport. I look forward to seeing some exciting and innovative concepts at next year’s RCA graduation show – hopefully reflecting some of the themes we explored during my lecture”