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CES 2020 - The syncing of man and machine

Our design and software teams have just returned from an inspiring start to the year at CES 2020. Here are our initial thoughts and insights from the show.

Below are a few of our thoughts.

Crossing boundaries

There was an increased awareness of the more personal role technology is taking in our lives and there were companies attempting to tackle the task of setting boundaries for technology. Samsung’s ‘Ballie’ robot which would attempt to respect your personal space was a symbolic example of this.

Respecting privacy

Given recent data breaches and Europe’s GDPR regulations, many companies have followed Apple’s lead in focusing on privacy improvements. With the amount of data currently collected this can prove quite difficult, however, there were several novel approaches which used physical changes to demonstrate tangible privacy.

Humans and machines together

Brands are pushing technologies to increase the capabilities of individuals by augmenting rather than replacing natural capabilities. These attempts range from augmented reality systems to Delta’s powered suit.

Beautiful displays, everywhere

MicroLED limitless screens which aren’t restrained by edge control electronics will bring displays to incredible places. A combination of flexible size and stunning resolution results in displays which can erode the territory of traditional large format projectors or be incorporated into tiny low-cost products.

The value of data is in the interpretation

As tracking technology becomes more advanced and the resultant data more and more important to the development of effective A.I. solutions, value and data have become intrinsically linked. Companies are focused on delivering products which can both provide function to the user and data to the manufacturer.

Eye tracking beyond novel integrations

Extremely accurate eye-tracking systems are opening up the path for new ways to interact with products. Including the ability to predict the user’s actions before they are taken.

Faster understanding and feedback creates a better dialogue

With the rise of more powerful hardware and ‘edge computing’ techniques, the feedback loop for A.I. systems is getting tighter and tighter with systems able to create near-instant classifications and conclusions of incoming data.