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A new book on Human Factors from DCA’s Dr Dan Jenkins

A new book on Cognitive Work Analysis, co-authored by DCA’s Senior Skill Leader, has just been released.

Cognitive Work Analysis (CWA) is an approach that was developed to model complex sociotechnical work systems. The approach seeks to describe the constraints that shape how users can interact with the products and services around them. CWA is particularly applicable for understanding how performance could change when revolutionary new technology is introduced into an existing system. This book explores some of these applications.

The book has received excellent reviews from some of the most influential names in Human Factors. “Informative for those at the cutting edge of science as well as the sharp point of the operational spear, it is a vital resource for those who wish to comprehend and actively contribute to the future of the human condition.“ Peter Hancock, University of Central Florida, USA.

  • Link to Book available to order