UX design is a multidisciplinary challenge
User experience (UX) is at the core of what we do. Our purpose is to improve the ease and efficiency for users to complete tasks, journeys and jobs, while simultaneously improving the way they feel as they interact with the new products or services we design.
We have been designing user interfaces (UI) and broader UX for over 60 years. Our work improves the experiences of billions of people every day; whether they are travelling on trains, operating medical equipment or simply brushing their teeth. Historically at the centre of the experiences we designed was a physical aspect, which enabled the broader user task or journey to be completed e.g. the train interior on a user’s trip to Scotland. Over the last decade, this approach has enabled us to migrate to designing broader systems and experiences with a high digital element, with now over 60% of our UX work having a significant digital element.
The most successful UX is delivered by designing holistic experiences that flows seamlessly between the physical and digital worlds, something we are uniquely placed to deliver. Our integrated approach involves our designers and UX specialists working alongside researchers, human factors and hardware, software and mechanical engineers. Our in-house multidisciplinary teams create engaging, efficient and relevant user experiences, whether for future gazing concepts or for your next product launch, supporting from the earliest strategy work through to final production.

Core Expertise
Helping our clients achieve success through great product design