Since our foundation we have always had extensive workshop and prototyping facilities in the centre of our studios.
This enables us to explore, test and iterate concepts at increasing levels of resolution throughout a project and is a fundamental part of our product development and risk management processes.
Prototyping is at the heart of our development process
Visual models
We can produce accurate, high quality, visual models for use in user workshops or focus groups. The feedback from such events supports our evidence based design approach.
These visual models often include a degree of functionality, particularly in relation to user interface elements where bespoke electronics and software solutions can be used to accurately represent the proposed user interactions. The material properties, finishes, colours and textures of the final product are also replicated as closely as possible so that the user response to critical touch points can be accurately gauged.

Functional rigs and prototyping
Even the best computer simulations only provide virtual predictions of actual behaviour. From early mechanism concepts to full design validation, the best way of really knowing how something works is to practically test it using rigs and prototypes.
Our model makers and electronics technicians are adept at producing functional rigs and prototypes for a wide range of products from high volume injection pens to train interiors. They are used to developing early proof of principle rigs at one end of the development process and highly accurate pre-production prototypes using representative manufacturing materials and processes at the other.

Rapid prototyping
We offer a wide range of rapid prototyping (RP) processes in-house, including ProJet 3D printing, Formlabs stereolithography (SLA), Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM), high speed 5-axis CNC machining and 3-axis large format CNC routing.
These in-house capabilities satisfy most of our day-to-day RP needs. FDM provides us with robust ABS parts where functional performance such as live hinges and snap fits is more important than surface finish, while parts from our two ProJet printers are the most accurate available from any RP system. Our SLA printers can rapidly produce parts with good accuracy and surface finish in an ever increasing library of materials, providing a wide range of mechanical properties. 5-axis CNC machining is quick, versatile and provides unmatched finish quality, part accuracy and flexibility on material options, and with our integrated pallet system we can produce batches of prototype parts without human intervention. Finally, for large format parts, including those in aluminium or brass, our CNC router offers a flexible and efficient solution.
Where alternative RP processes or materials are needed, we have developed strong links with a select list of preferred bureaux in the UK and overseas that we know through auditing and experience can meet our exacting standards for quality and responsiveness.

Replicating series production
Where injection moulding is the target production process, through a combination of our in-house facilities and our approved bureaux we are able to access a full range of RP technologies for the creation of master components. Our model makers can then apply production-representative finishes and textures to these master components and vacuum casting can then be used to produce multiple parts in resins selected to closely replicate the production plastic properties.
When functional performance requirements mean that only prototype parts in the target production materials will do, we can deploy our high speed 5-axis CNC machining centre in conjunction with proven external rapid tooling partners to create single cavity soft tools from which batches of prototype parts can be injection moulded.

Ergonomic rigs and models
At one extreme our ergonomic rigs can be handheld models used to evaluate the form and tactility of a product’s key touch points and the operation of user controls and displays. Alternatively, they may be representative of larger equipment and environments, such as vehicle interiors, and used to check man-machine interfaces, people flows, sight lines, user comfort and service staff access.
Ergonomic rigs and models are often designed to be reconfigurable to allow a range of different options to be trialled and evaluated efficiently. Structured studies can then be arranged to record and analyse the interaction of representative user groups with the rigs. We combine the results from these formal assessments with theoretical data to optimise the human factors aspects of our design solutions.

Hybrid prototypes
The video gaming industry has transformed what can be achieved using relatively standard high-end desktop computers and low cost VR headsets. Over several years we have developed the expertise to combine basic, low-fidelity physical mock-ups with virtual reality (VR) to create hybrid prototypes. These are used to deliver a highly representative user experience of an environment, such as a train interior, or a product, such as a ride on lawn mower or an airport seating system.
Our hybrid prototypes are fully immersive, highly flexible and offer the potential for larger numbers of subjects to experience and interact with a range of proposed design solutions. As a result, they offer meaningful User Interaction (UX) and Human Factors (HF) outcomes much earlier in the development programme.

Large scale mock-ups
We regularly undertake the design and construction of full-scale mock ups for transportation projects and other large product developments. These range from basic re-configurable ergonomic rigs to fully representative full-scale visual mock ups.
Our large scale mock ups and rigs are usually constructed around steel or wooden frameworks. These are designed and analysed by our mechanical engineering team to ensure that they are capable of accurately locating and supporting the mock up panels and fixtures and to aid lifting and transportation of the finished mock up.

Testing and evaluation
Our five in-house test laboratories are equipped with a comprehensive range of testing and inspection equipment, including automated force and torque measurement stands, precision balances and CMM touch probe and vision based measurement systems.
We have a specialist wet laboratory for liquid based testing and an electronics laboratory for the construction and testing of electro-mechanical systems. Our computer controlled environmental test chambers allow us to cycle components and assemblies through specified thermal profiles as well as carrying out functional testing at elevated and reduced temperatures.