Mathematical modelling and analysis
Mathematical models and computational simulations allow us to understand and assess the predicted performance of our concepts from an early stage. This allows us to fine tune our designs to maximise the probability of successful outcomes before we commit to physical test rigs or prototypes.
Mathematical modelling of engineering systems
For most projects we will need to develop mathematical models built upon fundamental engineering principles to represent the mechanical, electronic and fluidic systems involved.
Our designs often incorporate sliding and rotating components acted upon by sprung elements and external forces. They may also interface with fluid systems, such as syringes, valves or nozzles, and electronic sensors or actuators. We create bespoke mathematical models to help us understand the behaviour of these systems, and their sensitivity to variation.
Excel provides a surprising capable modelling platform, offering us intuitive parameter entry, system diagrams and graphical outputs as well as statistical data. Through the use of macros, we routinely solve time-dependent interactions and equations with no analytical solution. Alternatively, our MATLABĀ® software allows us to perform tasks like hydraulic system modelling more quickly and create sharable applications representing system responses.

Specialist finite element analysis
The integrated modelling and simulation packages supplied with our CAD modelling software provide a good first indication of performance, but with specialist Finite Element Analysis tools we can more accurately predict how our concepts will perform in the real world.
ANSYS Mechanical allows us to evaluate full product assemblies in complex non-linear conditions such as free-fall impact. Comprehensive control of all simulation inputs, such as mesh parameters, solver type, contact definition and non-linear material properties, provides greater confidence in the results. This can provide valuable guidance on component design and material selection. By correlating ANSYS studies with high-speed video footage of physical testing, we can also diagnose unanticipated product behaviour.
ANSYS High Performance Computing (HPC) in conjunction with dedicated multi-core computing nodes allows our engineers to solve up to 4 times faster and run more iterative simulations.

Integrating mouldability with design
We believe that optimisation of plastic component mouldability should be an integral part of product development, not left to the toolmaker or moulder to resolve in production.
Designing parts without considering the moulding implications can result in unforeseen, and generally expensive, manufacturing issues. To address this risk, we utilise Moldflow Plastics Insight, which incorporates practically every moulding process and one of the largest plastics material databases.
We can set up moulding simulations to explore different part geometries, materials, gate locations and configurations, cooling channel locations and processing parameters. Using these models, we can highlight and address flow obstructions that might result in short shots, air entrapment or could require high injection pressures, increasing tool wear and component flash. Core pin deflection analysis can identify the potential for unwanted wall thickness variation. We can also identify the risk of low temperature weld lines, sink marks or other moulding defects, and develop appropriate solutions.

Modelling optical systems
By using 3D ray tracing simulation alongside empirical test work and 2D mathematical modelling, we can model and refine the behaviour of optical systems in our designs containing LEDs, lenses and light guides.
Simulation tools underpinned by fundamental optical theory and a statistical approach to the behaviour of light allow us to model complete optical systems, incorporating injection-moulded light guides or lenses, LEDs and optical measurement systems. They also allow interactions with the wider system, such as the effect of absorptive plastic casework parts, to be modelled and predicted.
Iterative modelling and analysis undertaken within the simulated optical environment prior to physical prototyping increase the likelihood of meeting optical performance targets with fewer physical rigs. Parametric links with our CAD software mean that once the theoretical performance has been optimised, physical prototypes can be manufactured directly from the ray tracing simulation.

Computational fluid dynamics
Simulation of complex fluid flow and heat transfer problems helps us optimise our designs and reduce physical prototyping.
We can employ ANSYS Fluent or SolidWorks Flow Simulation software to model challenging turbulent, transient and multi-phase systems in diverse applications, ranging from the thermal management of electronics systems to the particulate dynamics of drug delivery devices. We can interrogate the results to highlight critical flow parameters and reveal issues such as recirculation, cavitation or overheating.
Either as standalone fluidic models or coupled with structural and thermal analyses, these virtual prototypes provide valuable insights into phenomena that would be difficult to investigate with physical models. High performance computing nodes and parametric simulation capabilities parallelise our solving processes to provide high resolution results efficiently.