Design Trends
Forecasting the future
Our design team has a natural curiosity. As creators we are constantly exploring what is next. Whether digitally through trend platforms or physically at shows, exhibitions and conferences, our team continuously absorb the latest thoughts and outputs from different creative fields. We are looking for both inspiration and information, exploring emerging trends in colour, material, form and meaning, which we synthesise with, category, cultural, social and technological trends.
We are looking for both inspiration and information
The design team at DCA regularly immerse themselves in the leading European design exhibitions including Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan, Dutch Design Week, Ambiente, London Design Week and Clerkenwell Design Week. At these shows the design team explore the latest thinking in colour, material and more general design trends in form and meaning. Internationally the team are involved in conferences including the Design Management Institute (DMI) in the USA and the Business of Design Week (BODW) in Hong Kong. In addition the team are continuously exploring international sector and category specific shows for trends such as CES in the USA.
Exploring the latest thinking in colour, material, form and meaning